Keeping a watch list is really important to move quickly into great stocks when the market corrects. I keep a list for the Chump IRA, mostly names with yields north of 3%, and a list for my taxable brokerage account with yields below 3%. Here are some of the most attractive stocks from those lists as of Friday.
First, here are stocks I already own in the Chump IRA, and are now 4* rated by Morningstar (undervalued). If I own a less than full position in any of these, I'm likely to add this week:
The list contains REITs, Utilities, and few others. Next, is my watch list, which contains stocks I've read about, and done a little research on. As they get close to my buy target prices, I do additional research, and if positive, I then add. This can happen in an hour or two, so consider this list partially screened. Also, I have to be careful not to get too overweight in a particular market sector. The sectors tend to get undervalued as a group, so I try to only add a few from a specific sector like health care REIT for example, or REITs in general.
Recent adds to the Chump portfolio include Ventas (VTR), and Iron Mountain (IRM).
For my taxable account, I'm watching the following:
From this list AGN (Allergan) looks pretty compelling at recent prices, so I've started a position...
That's all for now,
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